
ABPK- Divorce Yourself
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The ABPK is "unrock"
Unrock is "the deconstruction of traditional rock principles, then reconstruction of future templates for the new rock and roll renaissance".
Ain't it the truth. This is the real stuff.
Atombombpocketknife spawned from the project band "Poison Arrows", a collection of early songs from a whole bunch of people just getting together and making music. The sort of stuff that set the stage for my favorite kind of music. This band is my own personal hall of fame along with Braid, Mineral, Texas is the Reason, and all the other pioneers. Their drummer hails from another reputable band I've heard called "Sterling". The lead singer played bass for them for awhile too. It's important to note that Sinkovich , the lead singer, also played in a band named "Thumbnail"- Which I'll cover next week. The original drummer for ABPK was from Thumbnail too, but he is not a member anymore. Thumbnail existed alongside Poison Arrows.(Kind of going out of order)
The lead singer/guitarist of ABPK helped found one of my favorite music related websites of all time. Alot of these songs wouldn't be available to you if it wasn't for that site, so this entry is very special.
Opinions aside, facts are facts- and the bass guitar player is a social worker. She's a civil musician. Did I mention she has a masters in child psychology? That is really cool. To be in that kind of position and still be committed to a band takes commitment.
their sound is well put in this entry.. Even though I don't know what one of these words mean.
Contemporary rock historians maintain that The ABPK create rock based on an amalgamation of riff anthems and experimental deconstruction and reconstruction.
The ABPK record label is SOUTHERN RECORDS.

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