Poison Arrows

Poison Arrows really isn't even a band at all.
Bands arn't that good when they first start out, no matter who you are. One might want to consider a pre-act to get things moving. A moniker if you will.
The music you're about to hear is from 1997, and from the birth of a very good, little known band called AtomBombPocketknife. Poison Arrows is their little side project band with music based around heartfelt barroom conversations.
Eventually ABPK became a different band all together and only maintained one member. They cruised on into 2000 pretty well, and will also be in the next entry.
The animated banner is still in the works.. Mind you I have a new favorite videogame that is hindering my entire life.
Poison Arrows- After the Big Fight
Posin Arrows- Sick of Sick
I've been trying to get the audiocast into Itunes, but Apple keeps rejecting it because they think it's illegal. This has been an on going struggle but I hope it happens, because it will increase traffic to the site.
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