This group is certainly something different here on the blog.
Godspeed You Black Emperor is a instrumental band. And if you can get past that, you'll probably also be able to tell that this 9 piece set from Canada are very talented musicians. Just try to understand this music. I couldn't assign it a genre myself, so when I was browsing around here are the ones I ran into..Post-Rock, Experimental, Rock, Indie Rock, Field Recordings. Certainly experimental. Mars Volta fans will appreciate it that's for sure.
Most of the songs that I have heard and streamed offline start off nice and easy. The song from last week, (try downloading again if you got a 60 second sample.. I pointed towards the wrong file), starts off infinitely soft and escalates into distress. Perhaps I appreciate the violin and cello tuned to sound like guitars because I spent a lot of time in band.. But it's really diverse...glockenspiel, chimes, and percussive instruments plus the drum set.
Coming across this band is something very different for me. This is a huge world of music. Their influences I've never heard of, along with the bands that they are similar to. Could it even be considered a band? A group?
It's hard to say their biography because it isn't up on their site, and I doubt it will ever change. The sites that I've been reading are dated before 2001. So take this as a opportunity to expose yourself to different music. Either way, there is no arguing this group is very talented, and the way things seem- you'll probably never hear about them again.
Godspeed You Black Emporer! - The Buildings