Sunday, October 30, 2005

And Then There Was Three

Last night I saw Thrice/Underoath/The Bled and Veda in Portland with about 13 other friends. But this post isn't about that bliss. Today I bring you Veda and The Bled, the lesser known two of the bands.

The Stream: The BLED

These guys are pretty nuts. Not nuts like The Red Chord nuts, because that is a totally different genre, but they got the crowd moving, that's for sure. To be honost I had never heard of these guys beforehand, so I came into the concert optomistic. I didn't even know what kind of music they were. But when I heard the first chords my friend and I looked at eachother and grinned. Now I'm not saying these guys are the best ever. Hell they're far from it.. But on the drive home we all agreed that they're good if you're not really listening. And by not really listening we mean smashing faces.

THE DOWNLOAD: Veda- The Falling
Now I will warn you now. This is a girl lead singer. If you are not sexist, read on: This girl can really hold a note, a stunning voice. Now I wouldn't say that she can "rock out".. But they're good at what they do. Holding true to their rock/indie/alt genre this music is comparatively chill to the aforementioned The BLED. She has an amazing voice, and it was a pleasure to meet her. Alot of people were bitching about it, but every one who was doing so was an elitist. I really liked it. It's something to do your homework to. This song I got to hear last night, called the falling. I suggest you give it a shot if you dont care about the gender of the singer. Their site is

Untill nekst week!

Saturday, October 29, 2005


My good friend Josh, who single handedly introduced me into the best music in the world, has climbed aboard this little project.

I'll have another post after the Thrice/Underoath show tonight and pending registration and other minute details, expect to see him post occasionaly on his music.( Which is pretty damn good if I do say so myself)

And I do.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Second Week, An Entire CD

You guys should love what I have in store this time.
Well, You better. I was kicking myself in the butt
For not giving you this opportunity earlier
But for a limited time.. You can listen to Thrice's new CD Vheissu.
In it's entirety!

But that doesn't mean you shouldn't check out this week's free download:
Third Floor View - The Chase
Right click .. Save as- You know the deal.

I've seen these guys too. They were the first act at a show I saw this summer. We all know about first acts. Arrive late, and see the guys you were waiting to see.. In this case it was Animal Suit Drive-By. But early it was, and I certianly didn't regret it. These fine dudes weren't too shabby. They're not hardcore by anymeans. I'll warn you, when they say they're Rock/Alternative/Emo, they mean that they're pretty much emo. But that isn't any reason not to listen. Like the In The Arms, from the previous update they're local too. To be honost, I almost bought the cd. Which, If you know me- Is quite amazing.

Now I present.. Vheissu.

This cd is something else. That's all I can explain it as. A big thanks to a site I love to hate, MySpace for hosting this album. Thrice started out with First Impressions, Identity Crisis, Illision of Safety, The Artist in The Ambulence and now this. If you're an avid listener like myself you can see how they've really grown.. But in this new CD there's something different. Sure Thrice was pretty unique in what they did, whatever genre they might call themselves, but this CD tells me one thing. They really are experimentle. Unfortunately you cant change tracks on the preview, but it's worth it. A couple of parts they try Circa Survive like vocals, and the Image of The Invisible track actually has a giant charity story behind it. This is a very good cd, but I kind of liked what Thrice was doing before this excessive amount of experimenting. They've become alot softer, but fortunately not weaker. The duration of this limited time CD listening is unknown.

Untill Nekst week..

Friday, October 14, 2005

It Begins

Alright this is how it goes:

Nekst Song was an idea of mine.
I'm really into music, and I wanted to have a side project industry standard blog along with my personal journal.
This is a blog of my music interest, but more importantly a place to legally download songs of repute for free.
Also a place for streaming music, and suggestions of music to buy off Itunes.
My music interests are more varied then some may tell you.
I have over 30 GBs of music from A-Ha to Zao.
Generally hardcore, emocore, and screamo. Don't expect me to conform though.
I've contemplated even making this a group effort with Andrew and Andy.
I hope you like the weekly/bi-weekly updates.
Because I'm not doing this for myself.

And this is the first:

This is the stream I've chosen: In The Arms of Providence- Ask Not
Here's the band's page. It's on the site, I'm working on something more direct.

I've seen a In The Arms show before. Like all good bands, they're not together anymore. They sound alot like Glassjaw, who are practically not a band anymore, but technically are (Thanks Josh for the correction). Palumbo from Gj is now the lead singer for Head Automatica.
The show I went to wasn't good. It was one of their last shows, although I hate myself everyday for not making it to their last show. The lead singer was under the influence of something that night and they sucked. Although they claim that the band split to persue higher education we all know that band members have no interest in higher education and that drugs was the real problem.
I have the CD though and I love it. They were good at what they did, even though my first impression was a negative one. Their domain site is no longer around.

The free download: Accepting Silence- Hide
Right click.. Save As..

This is an excellent song by a band that puts out pretty good stuff. This song is especially good when you listen to the lyrics and take in the meaning. They're more emo then screamo if you ask me, but whatever they do it isn't too shabby. You see alot of bands with the triple genre now. Rock/Screamo/Emo says to me "I want to be veiwed by alot of people" more then "Our music is unique and indescrible". But that's just me. Download it.

I'm going to have to thank because without it this blog would be more of a burden then a past time. Check them out, they're one of the best sites on the net and they help talent like The Receiving End of Sirens rise to the top!

Thanks for reading, and I'd appreciate feedback.
