Second Week, An Entire CD

Well, You better. I was kicking myself in the butt
For not giving you this opportunity earlier
But for a limited time.. You can listen to Thrice's new CD Vheissu.
In it's entirety!
But that doesn't mean you shouldn't check out this week's free download:
Third Floor View - The Chase
Right click .. Save as- You know the deal.
I've seen these guys too. They were the first act at a show I saw this summer. We all know about first acts. Arrive late, and see the guys you were waiting to see.. In this case it was Animal Suit Drive-By. But early it was, and I certianly didn't regret it. These fine dudes weren't too shabby. They're not hardcore by anymeans. I'll warn you, when they say they're Rock/Alternative/Emo, they mean that they're pretty much emo. But that isn't any reason not to listen. Like the In The Arms, from the previous update they're local too. To be honost, I almost bought the cd. Which, If you know me- Is quite amazing.
Now I present.. Vheissu.
This cd is something else. That's all I can explain it as. A big thanks to a site I love to hate, MySpace for hosting this album. Thrice started out with First Impressions, Identity Crisis, Illision of Safety, The Artist in The Ambulence and now this. If you're an avid listener like myself you can see how they've really grown.. But in this new CD there's something different. Sure Thrice was pretty unique in what they did, whatever genre they might call themselves, but this CD tells me one thing. They really are experimentle. Unfortunately you cant change tracks on the preview, but it's worth it. A couple of parts they try Circa Survive like vocals, and the Image of The Invisible track actually has a giant charity story behind it. This is a very good cd, but I kind of liked what Thrice was doing before this excessive amount of experimenting. They've become alot softer, but fortunately not weaker. The duration of this limited time CD listening is unknown.
Untill Nekst week..
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