So, my name is Josh and I will be helping Corey out with this site here and there.
I know a little more about the harder bands so Corey wanted me to be able to put in my two cents about them.
So my first post in here will be about and amazing band called Norma Jean.
A couple years ago a few kids from Atlanta, Georgia decided to start a nu-metal band called Luti-Kriss. Their sound could be compared to bands like Korn and Limp Bizkit ( or however they are spelling their name now ) but soon after the band had formed they decided to shy away from the whole rap/metal genre.
They started getting more into the metalcore side of things, playing harder hitting music with tougher vocals sung by the one and only Josh Scogin. After playing local shows for while and getting their name out in their area they got signed to Solid State Records, which is a sub-division of Tooth and Nail Records, which has signed bands like UnderOath, mewithoutYou, and Mae. They then released a cd on the label called Throwing Myself ( which in my opinion, is still an awesome cd ).
They soon ran into trouble with their name though. Having the name Luti-Kriss confused all the ghetto kids into thinking they were the rapper Ludicrous. All these rap loving kids would then show up to Luti-Kriss shows expecting to see a nice rap performance, and then leave all pissed because they waisted their money on some random metal band that they had never even heard of. After getting enough complaints from people, and just hating their name, the band decided to change their name to Norma Jean.
So, with their new name and a pretty big following they set out to make a new cd and touring, nothing could stop them. With Josh Scogin being such a strong frontman and having such great vocals, it fit their aggresive music perfectly and gained them hundreds of fans by the day. They then recorded one of the corner stones in hardcore music, Bless the Martyr; Kiss the Child. You can ask just about anyone who is into this kind of music what their favorite top 10 cd's are, and this cd will probably be on the list.
Just a few weeks away from the release of their new amazing cd, the band thought that they were on top of the world. Honestly nothing was standing in their way from owning the hardcore scene.... untill they played Furnest Fest. On that fatefull day, right in the middle of their set, Josh Scogin made a little anouncement. He was leaving the band. Without discussing it with the rest of the band first at all, he just anounced that this show would be his last infront of hundreds of kids. The band was mortified. Soon after this they also lost their bass player whos name was also Josh.
So Mr. Scogin went in his own direction and the band found a new singer named Brad. In my opinion, Brad had a horrible scream, but amazing stage presence. They also found a new bass player, Jake who alos has amazing stage presence. Norma Jean toured non-stop with their new front man and bass player promoting their new cd for a few years. After a few years with their new singer, conflict in the band caused for Brad to leave, leaving Norma Jean with no singer yet again.
This time they called on their old friend Corey, the old singer from Solid State metal band Eso-Charis. Corey agreed to playing with them for a few shows and then just ended up staying in the band. They then had the final line up of the band which is what they still have to this day.
Chris aka Derrrr-Guitar
So with their new solid line up, they wrote the cd "O' God, the Aftermath" which was just released a few months ago. Many people have mixed feelings over this cd. Many people are saying that they have changed their style too much and that they just aren't the same with out Josh Scogin leading the way. I personly love their new cd and I think that Corey is doing a great job on the mic. I have seen them live twice and have been amazed by them both times. They put on an amazing live performance.
And, besides being an amazing band, they are some of the nicest guys in the world. I have had a few oppertunities to talk to the band through seeing them at shows and through myspace, and they are extremely nice people who have not let their succes go to their heads.
So all in all, Norma Jean is one amazing band, and they will always be a staple in their genre of music.
Also, Josh Scogin has formed a new band called The Chariot, who are also amazing. I will make sure to make a post about them soon as well.