Album Review: "Suck out the Poison" - He is Legend

Well, here I am. Back after a long sojourn to the world of Ragnarok Online. I have come back to post a review of the newest He is Legend album. Suck out the Poison.
Now I know what you're thinking. Andrew, that CD came out a month ago! Regardless of how old this album is, I think it is important to review it because it is such a different CD than their previous two.
Suck out the Poison is a totally fresh, new sounding CD, that rocks harder than any of their other works. Now, Schuylars voice may have changed a bit. But dont criticize it just yet. Although he doesn't have that high, soft voice that he did on the I am Hollywood CD, the music from "Poison" adapted to Schuylar's new sound. Therefore, taking on a whole new sound as well.
As you listen through, you will notice heavier guitar parts, louder vocals, and a much dirtier/grittier feel to the CD. Another thing you might notice, is the distinct connection to some past songs. In "Dixie Wolf" at the end of the song, Croom cries out "YOU KNOW YOU WANT IT" A reference to "The Seduction" from I am Hollywood. Another impossible to miss connection would be in "China White II." Not only does it share the same name as it's Predecessor (Minus the II part.) But it also shares a similar musical theme with "China White."
As I listen to the CD, 5 songs stand out above the rest for me at least. "Attack of the Dungeon Witch," "China White II," "The Widow of Magnolia," "Electronic Throat," and "Goldie's Torn Locks." All of these songs have catchy guitar riffs and some Kick-Ass vocals. The lyrics are put together well, and it all makes sense logically. The music is easy to follow, but complex at the same time.
Overall, the CD is very good. Give it a listen, especially if you are a fan of He is Legend. If it doesn't tickle your fancy the first time 'round. Try listening to it again. Pay extra attention to some of the lyrics, becuase they will give you chills. (See China White II.)
The CD gets a 9.7 out of 10 for me. The only part I dont like is "Serpent Sickness." Watch out for the "little pig little pig.." part. It is awkward... and my only complaint about the entire thing!
Buy it, love it, love it some more.
Ta Ta for now.
P.S. I couldn't find a download. You'll just have to buy it at Best Buy for $7.99
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