And Then There Was Three

The Stream: The BLED
These guys are pretty nuts. Not nuts like The Red Chord nuts, because that is a totally different genre, but they got the crowd moving, that's for sure. To be honost I had never heard of these guys beforehand, so I came into the concert optomistic. I didn't even know what kind of music they were. But when I heard the first chords my friend and I looked at eachother and grinned. Now I'm not saying these guys are the best ever. Hell they're far from it.. But on the drive home we all agreed that they're good if you're not really listening. And by not really listening we mean smashing faces.
THE DOWNLOAD: Veda- The Falling
Now I will warn you now. This is a girl lead singer. If you are not sexist, read on: This girl can really hold a note, a stunning voice. Now I wouldn't say that she can "rock out".. But they're good at what they do. Holding true to their rock/indie/alt genre this music is comparatively chill to the aforementioned The BLED. She has an amazing voice, and it was a pleasure to meet her. Alot of people were
Untill nekst week!